Friday, January 16, 2015

Professional Development Day for Berlin-Boylston Stafff

What do teachers do on Professional Development Day?  It's a question often asked.  The answer is participation in a tremendous amount of training  and collaborative planning.  Today, with a focus on technology and itts application in the classroom,our teachers, paraprofessionals, tutors and administrators  chose from a variety of offerings that included Google, STEM, interim assessments and progress monitoring, phonemic awareness,,Brain Gym, grade book, website design, IPad use in the classroom,  curriculum development and NEASC preparation.  Included are some photos from the day's workshops.  We are grateful for the time to learn and grow as professionals and to take our knowledge and skills back to  the classroom for the benefit of our children.

Teachers from elementary and middle school collaborate in the Engineering a Story workshop.

Wesley Swenson, Tahanto mathematics teacher, conducts a  workshop called "Clone Yourself in the Classroom."

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